Men Seeking Viagra Would Require a Wife’s Note Kentucky Bill Proposes

Men Seeking Viagra Would Require a Wife’s Note Kentucky Bill Proposes

State Rep. Mary Lou Marzian (D) has proposed a controversial bill in the Blue Grass State. A man seeking Viagra or any other erectile dysfunction drug would need to visit a doctor or healthcare professional on two occasions, and have a note from his wife stating her support for the move, before gaining access to such medication. The registered nurse said she wanted to protect family values as well as protecting “men from themselves.”

The patient would also have to swear an oath with his hand on the Bible that he would only use the drugs for relations with his wife. The state lawmaker said she didn’t expect the law to go too far. But she said, it was important symbolically to call attention to a streak of anti-abortion laws recently enacted in the state. The problem with this so-called “Viagra law” is that it may undermine a very important healthcare objective, getting men with erectile dysfunction to see a doctor.

Erectile dysfunction is quite common, affecting over 50% of men between the ages of 40 and 70. Though rumored to be a normal part of aging, in fact ED is often a sign of a significant health problem. Heart disease, diabetes, cancer, a hormonal imbalance, and many other conditions could be causing it. Without treatment for the underlying issue, it is bound to get worse, and can even threaten a man’s life. In a minority of cases, an emotional issue is causing it, such as depression or high anxiety. But these also need to be treated, as they can have a significant impact on a man’s health.

Another aspect of the proposed law is that it must highlight the potential side effects a man might suffer. These include headache, nausea, blurred vision, dizziness, and rash. Though these may occur, they are rare. Most men respond positively to ED drugs. Plus, there are lots of other therapies that can counteract ED, should a patient find they experience negative side effects. Hopefully, the press from the filing of this law will not scare men off from going to the doctor and getting checked out. ED is a serious condition which needs to be evaluated by a doctor or urologist. If you are experiencing ED, be sure to make an appointment.