Everything you need to know about delayed ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation is one of the most common medical problems. Although 1-4% of men only experience it, this may eventually interfere with your sexual life. Delayed ejaculation is often referred to as impaired ejaculation.[1]

In delayed ejaculation processes, men take longer than usual to ejaculate. Sexual stimulation isn’t enough, and even while having sex with their partners, men may suffer from delayed ejaculation. While this is not a very serious problem, some partners may not like delayed ejaculation.

One of the biggest problems of delayed ejaculation is that in some cases, the man won’t achieve any ejaculation at all. Another big problem is that delayed ejaculation may lead to a lifelong problem among all.[2] Delayed ejaculation may not have much of a health risk; it can cause stress, anxiety, and other psychological problems.

But hey, don’t worry. Every problem has a remedy to it, and one such remedy to delayed ejaculation is the different treatments available.

Now that you know what delayed ejaculation is, take a closer look at what are the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.

What are the symptoms?

Delayed ejaculation is often referred to as a condition where a man takes more than 30 minutes to ejaculate despite sexual stimulation. While some men ejaculate after small sexual stimulation, some men do not ejaculate at all.[3]

It may last for a long time for some men, thereby becoming a lifelong problem. This may eventually hamper your sexual activity.

This type of ejaculation issue may also occur under certain conditions, in which it is referred to as situational delayed ejaculation. If delayed ejaculation doesn’t get solved, it may lead to health problems such as cardiovascular diseases and even diabetes.

Delayed ejaculation is often categorized into two aspects

Lifelong vs. Acquired: In the case of the former, the problem will last a long time ever since you attain sexual maturity. In the case of the latter, the problem will occur after a certain time of attaining sexual functioning.

Generalized vs. Situational: The former does not depend on sexual stimulation or the partner. The latter, on the other hand, will only happen under certain conditions.

The doctor may prescribe the treatment depending on the type of delayed ejaculation you have been facing in your life.[4]

What are the causes of delayed ejaculation?

Ranging from psychological to physical and even reaction to medicines will determine how fast you will ejaculate.

One of the most common psychological reasons for delayed ejaculation is a traumatic experience. The negative experience due to any cultural or religious bounds may also have an impact on your sex life. Anxiety and depression can also lead to reduced sexual desire.

Relationship stress and anger issues can also impact on your ejaculation cycle being delayed. Disappointment in sexual activities from the partner can also lead to delayed ejaculation issues. Often it is stated that men who masturbate a lot will also suffer from delayed ejaculation. [5]

But that is not all, interference of certain medications that impact your nerves can also lead to ejaculations. Nonetheless, some of the medicines that cause delayed ejaculation include the following.

  • Diuretics
  • Medicines for treating high blood pressure
  • Antipsychotics
  • Antidepressants

Surgery, in some cases, also leads to delayed ejaculations. Some of the physical causes that may lead to delayed ejaculation include the following.

  • Damage across spinal nerves
  • Stroke
  • Nerve damage due to prostate surgery
  • Prostate or urinary infection
  • Cardiovascular diseases causing blood pressure damage around the pelvic region
  • Low testosterone level
  • Birth defects

In certain cases, temporary ejaculation problems also lead to anxiety and depression. This psychological problem, however, causes several physical issues.

What are the complications related to delayed ejaculation?

Delayed ejaculation may also lead to certain complications for both psychological and physical damage. Some of the prominent complications include the following.[6]

  • Reduced sexual partner for both the partners involved
  • Marital or relationship imbalance due to unsatisfactory sex
  • Failing to get the partner pregnant
  • Stress to excel in sexual performance

When should you see a doctor?

If you feel that you are suffering from the delayed ejaculation problem, you must see your primary care doctor.[7] Some of the conditions under which you should see a doctor include

  • Delayed ejaculation becomes a problem for you and your problem
  • You have physical or mental health issues that may be potential reasons for delayed ejaculation
  • You are undertaking medicines that may have delayed ejaculation
  • You may be experiencing symptoms related or not related to delayed ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation diagnosis

Usually, depending on your symptoms, a physical examination may be conducted to determine the severity of the delayed ejaculation. If the underlying reason is a chronic underlying health condition, more tests may be conducted to find out the root cause of the problem ranging from blood tests to urine tests.

The examinations are mainly aimed at finding out infections and hormonal imbalances across the body. The reaction of the penis to a vibrator may help determine if the condition is physical or psychological.

Delayed ejaculation Treatment

The treatments for delayed ejaculation have always varied depending on the underlying condition and severity of it.[8] If you have never ejaculated or have had any lifelong problem, the urologist may be the best option to turn to.

Both medicines and psychological counseling can be of great help to treat delayed ejaculation.[9]


Often, the consumption of medicines interferes with your ejaculation. Adding or reducing a medicine can help to overcome the delayed ejaculation problem.

Although these aren’t the scientifically approved drugs, they can surely be of help. Some of the medicines required to treat delayed ejaculation include the following.

  • Anti-anxiety medicine (Buspirone)
  • Allergy medicine (Cyproheptadine)
  • Medicine for Parkinson’s disease (Amantadine)


As anxiety and depression are the leading psychological problems related to delayed ejaculation, psychotherapy can be of great help.[10] Reaching out to a mental health counselor with or without your partner will allow you to address the problem freely. These mental health counselors are the best for talk therapy to address sexual issues.

Taking steps like using Spanish Fly Pro

You can also take in a natural aphrodisiac like Spanish Fly Pro. It’s got no side effects and can help you rejuvenate your sex life. Increase your appetite for sex the natural way.

It’s not just for men – women experience natural vaginal lubrication too.

Small steps can be of great help to ease your delayed ejaculation problem. You might as well prefer seeing a doctor if you think it is incredibly urgent. You must address the problem soon to avoid it in the later stages of your life.

[1] Munjack DJ, Kanno PH. Retarded ejaculation: a review. Arch Sex Behav. 1979;8:139–150. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5002008/

[3] Segraves RT. Considerations for a better definition of male orgasmic disorder in DSM V. J Sex Med. 2010;7:690–695. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29299903

[5] Perelman MA. Patient highlights. Delayed ejaculation. J Sex Med. 2013;10:1189–1190. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

Althof SE. Psychological interventions for delayed ejaculation/orgasm. Int J Impot Res. 2012;24:131–136. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

[6] Foley S. The complex etiology of delayed ejaculation: assessment and treatment implications. J Fam Psychother. 2009;20:261–282. [Google Scholar]

[7] https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001954.htm

[8] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5001980/

[9] Althof SE. Psychological interventions for delayed ejaculation/orgasm. Int J Impot Res 2012;24:131-6. 10.1038/ijir.2012.2 [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]

[10] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27652228