BPH Could Lead to ED

BPH Could Lead to ED

Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) is a non-cancerous swelling of the prostate. It is not dangerous in and of itself. But in some cases it can lead to urinary issues and erectile dysfunction. These two are connected and it can be a chicken and egg sort of thing. Sometimes BPH causes ED. At other times, those with ED develop BPH.

Also, medications for treating an enlarged prostate can cause sexual side effects. Men in their 60s and older are prone to these conditions. Symptoms of BPH include trouble starting and stopping the urine stream, a weak stream, feeling as though you need to urinate often, and having to go to the bathroom several times in the night.

The prostate straddles the urethra. When it becomes larger it can squeeze the tube, making it harder for the bladder to become completely empty. The worse the symptoms are, the more likely you are to experience sexual dysfunction. Scientists are still not sure why that is. Sexual issues related to BPH include a lower libido, trouble maintaining an erection, and a decline in sexual satisfaction.

Researchers believe genetics or changes that occur in the body as part of the aging process might have something to do with it. Also anxiety or sleeplessness are make ED worse. Lifestyle changes can help significantly.

Since the same risk factors for heart disease and diabetes are that for BPH and ED, living a heart healthy lifestyle can help ward off such problems. Steer clear of processed foods. Increase the amount of vegetables you eat. Kale, broccoli, and cauliflower have been found to be particularly good for the prostate. Eating cold water, fatty fish, flaxseed, and other foods replete with omega-3s. This can reduce inflammation, particularly of the prostate.

Lower body cardio is also important. ED medication can help with both BPH and sexual dysfunction in some cases. In a small number of instances, surgery is necessary. Talk to a doctor or an urologist if you believe you have BPH, or are suffering from erectile dysfunction. There are lots of treatment options for each. One is sure to work for you.